
    Weight Gain and Sluggish Metabolism

    Top Kapha wellness products for - Difficulty losing weight, slow metabolism, lethargy, and fluid retention.

    • Shilajit: Boosts metabolism and burns fat, fights fatigue. Its scraping effect on the fat tissues can help to balance overweight.
    • 100% Natural Trikatu Powder: Stimulates digestion and metabolism.
    • Gymnema Capsules/Powder: Supports weight management by regulating sugar cravings and reducing excessive appetite.
    • Berberine: Burning fat for energy and by also mitigating the growth of fat cells.
    • Ashwagandha: Helps lower cortisol levels (stress hormone) which holds on to fat.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar Effervescence: Helps with weight loss and fat metabolism.
    • Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea: Boosts metabolism and energy levels.

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