The Power of Hadjod: Revitalising Bone Health Naturally

Botanical Name: Cissus quadrangularis
Family Name: Vitaceae
Understanding Hadjod:
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine that originated in India, is known for its holistic approach to health and well-being. Amongst numerous herbs and remedies in Ayurveda, Hadjod holds a special place for its remarkable healing properties. Hadjod, also known as "Veldt Grape" or "Bone Setter", is a succulent plant native to India, Sri Lanka, and Africa.
Its botanical name, Cissus quadrangularis, hints at its unique square-shaped stems, a distinguishing feature that has led to its colloquial name "Hadjod", which means "that which unites broken bones". It is a climbing vine with distinctive square-shaped stems, simple leaves, and inconspicuous greenish-white to yellowish-green flowers. It produces small, red fruits and is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for potential health benefits, particularly for promoting bone and joint health.
Sanskrit Synonyms:
- Asthi-srankhula, Asthiyuk: Stem, looks like stem.
- Asthi-samhari: Best for joining of fractured bones
- Vajra-valli, Vajrangi: Strengthens bones like diamond.
- Chatur-dhara, Chatursira: Stems having four edges.
- Granthi-mana: Stems having knot.
Chemical Composition:
Hadjod is a traditional medicinal plant with a rich assortment of phytochemicals, including iridoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, stilbene derivatives, sterols, triterpenes, fatty acids, and more. Noteworthy compounds found in its leaves include Tetratriacotanol, Ecosyl eicosanoate, Tetratriacontanoic acid, αβ-amyrin, and β-sitosterol. Polyphenols like daidzein, quercetin, and genistein are also present.
Ayurvedic Properties:
- Rasa (Taste): Madhura (sweet) and Katu (pungent).
- Guna (Quality): Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry) qualities.
- Virya (Potency): Ushna (hot potency).
- Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect): Katu (pungent).
- Dosha Affinity: Beneficial for balancing Kapha and Vata.
Health Benefits:
Bone Health: Hadjod is renowned for its ability to promote bone health. It strengthens bones, accelerates fracture healing, and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend it for individuals with weak bones or those recovering from fractures.
Anti-Inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of Hadjod make it useful for managing conditions like arthritis and joint pain. It can reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.
Digestive Health: Hadjod can aid in digestion by stimulating the digestive fire (agni). It is sometimes used to address digestive issues like indigestion and flatulence.
Antioxidant Activity: Hadjod displays antioxidant activity, protecting the liver and promoting the balance of antioxidant enzymes.
Weight Management: Due to its ability to support digestion and metabolism, Hadjod is sometimes included in weight management regimens in Ayurveda.
Skin Health: It can be applied topically to promote wound healing and alleviate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
Immuno-Modulation: Hadjod extract exhibits immunomodulatory properties by increasing blood clearance and immunoglobulin levels, as well as correcting immunosuppression.
Other Indications:
- Pain Relief: Hadjod is believed to have analgesic properties, effectively reducing pain, when used in low doses.
- Ulcer Healing: Hadjod may have anti-ulcer potential as it can protect the stomach lining.
- Infection Management: Traditionally used during bacterial and viral infections, Hadjod exhibits antiviral activity against Herpes Simplex Virus- Type I and II.
- Worm Infections: Hadjod demonstrates anthelmintic activity against the Haemonchus contortus worm.
- Cancer Management: Hadjod has shown anticancer and anti-tumor activity in various cancer cell lines, offering potential for cancer prevention and management.
- Fertility Enhancement: It can improve sperm count and viability.
- Diabetes Management: Hadjod extract has the potential to lower blood glucose levels.
- Piles management: It shows potential in healing haemorrhoids by reducing local bleeding, itching, and discomfort, possibly by improving capillary resistance and venous tonicity.
- Arthritis Relief: It reduces bone and cartilage degeneration.
Parts used for Therapeutic Purposes:
Hadjod Stem: Bone Health Booster
- Hadjod stem is used during fractures to promote bone healing.
- It can be used both internally and externally.
Leaves: Digestive Aid
- The young shoots and leaves of Hadjod aid in digestion.
- They are considered stomachic, helping with stomach-related issues.
Leaves Powder: Tackle Stomach Issue
- Hadjod leaves are ground into a powder to alleviate various stomach problems.
- It's effective for promoting digestion and relieving gastrointestinal discomfort.
Juice: Heal Broken Bones
- Hadjod juice is administered to promote the healing of fractured bones.
- It can be taken internally or applied externally.
Shoot Juice: Prevent Bleeding
- The juice from Hadjod shoots is used to help stop nosebleeds.
- It serves as an eardrop for ear discharge and helps with irregular menstruation.
Shoot Ash Powder: Soothes Dyspepsia
- Hadjod shoot ash powder (prepared by drying the stems and putting them on fire) is taken internally in 125-500 mg dosage to alleviate dyspepsia (indigestion).
- It provides relief for upper abdominal discomfort like gastritis.
Root Powder: A Multifaceted Remedy
- Hadjod root powder promotes bone healing, similar to the stem.
- It's also used for relieving constipation and may have benefits for gout management.
How to Use:
- Take 2.5g (or as directed by a physician) of Hadjod powder twice a day. Take it with milk or water after meals for promoting quick healing of fractures.
- Take a small stem of Hadjod plant. Beat it to make a suitable thick paste. Apply on the affected area regularly to get relief in joint pain.
- Dry powder of Hadjod can be snuffed in nose bleeding.
- Leaves and stems are used in making curry for boosting immunity.
- Hadjod stem processed in sesame seed oil is useful in managing symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Recommended Dosage:
For Children:
- Powder: 1.5 grams/day.
- Juice: 5 ml/day.
- Tablet: 1 tablet of 500 mg/day.
For Adults:
- Powder: 3 grams/day.
- Juice: 10-20 ml/day.
- Tablet: 2 tablets of 500 mg each (total 1 gram) per day.
It's advisable to take Hadjod after meals with milk or ghee for better absorption.
Excessive consumption of Hadjod can indeed result in side effects like heating up of the body, dry mouth, headache, slight burning sensation in the stomach, and diarrhoea.
Cissus quadrangularis might lower blood sugar levels, but taking it along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low.
Remember to consult a healthcare professional before using Hadjod for specific health concerns, as they can provide guidance on appropriate dosages and administration methods.
- Cissus-quadrangularis: Uses, Side effects, Doses, Interactions [Internet].
- Pharmacological and Therapeutic Activity of Cissus quadrangularis: An Overview by Garima Mishra , Saurabh Srivastava , B.P.Nagori.
- Shahzad A, Sharma S, Siddiqui SA.Biotechnological strategies for the conservation of medicinal and ornamental climbers.Springer.2015.
Published By Rasayana Limited. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Author: Dr. Monika Mittal
Editor: Taahira Om Kisna